Northland has moved to Alert Level 2 as of Tuesday, 7 September at 11:59pm.
Settled.govt.nz has guidance on buying and selling during COVID-19 Alert Level 2.
Key changes to Alert Level 2 as announced:
- Open homes and indoor auctions are limited to 50 people
- Outdoor auctions are limited to 100 people
- 2-metres physical distancing requirements must be met for both indoor and outdoor gatherings
- Mask wearing is required for anyone aged 12 years and over when entering any property
- Masks are required for all customer-facing staff
- NZ COVID Tracer app QR codes will be displayed in a prominent place at our office and any property for sale and must be scanned by all clients, customers and staff
- We will also have a process for collecting and retaining contact records for every person visiting a property or our office.