Easter Colouring-in Competition 20221 Apr 2022

We're two weeks out from Easter Friday which means it's time for our annual colouring-in competition!

Simply colour in the picture, fill out your details and return this sheet to the Harcourts Whangarei or Harcourts Bream Bay office by 5:00pm Thursday 14th April 2022.

Go in the draw to win some amazing prizes for Easter! Winners will be notified via Phone.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd Prizes for the following age groups:
5-6 Year | 7-8 Year | 9-10 Year | 11-12 Year
Prizes will include a mixture of Easter Eggs, Arts and Crafts, and Gift Vouchers!

Download the PDF below or collect from our office at 35 Robert Street, Whangarei, or the Harcourts Bream Bay office, Unit 2, 30 Rauiri Drive, One Tree Point. The competition will also be available at some local primary schools.

*You must be 12 years old or under to enter this competition.

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