Keeping Your Rental Reasonbly Clean and Tidy - Including Heat Pump Filters

Landlords are responsible for maintaining the heating appliances (heat pumps, fixed heaters) in rental properties; however, it is the tenant’s responsibility to keep the property reasonably clean and tidy and this includes the general cleaning of heating appliances and cleaning heat pump filters.

If your heat pump is not pushing much air flow into your home, it could be because your heat pump filter is blocked. As a guide, you should clean the filter every 8 to 12 weeks depending on how often you use your heat pump. It is a very easy process and something you can do yourself.

To clean your filters, you will need to open the front panel of the indoor unit and remove the filters. You will see where to place your fingers when opening both ends. The filters slide out and you can take them outside and give them a spray wash with the garden hose or you can give them a light vacuum.

Once they have been washed, carefully shake dry and reinsert into the indoor unit and close the front panel. Your heat pump should now be working at full capacity.
